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National Research Council

Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems

Research institute board members

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For Researcher/Technologist staff
Dr. ssa Doni Serena (Pisa unit)
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Dr. Mandrich Luigi (Napoli unit)
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Dr. Carlo Calfapietra (Porano unit)
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Dr. Mori Emiliano (Fiorentino unit)
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Dr. Muzzini Valerio Giorgio (Montelibretti unit)
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Dr.ssa Nogues Gonzales Maria Isabel (Montelibretti unit)
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Dr. Paris Pierluigi (Porano unit)
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Dr. Sarti Maurizio (Porano unit)
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For Technical/Administrative staff
Sig.ra Petillo Orsolina (Sede di Napoli)
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Sig.ra Rosellini Irene (Sede di Pisa)
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