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National Research Council

Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems

The section of Montelibretti is located in the Research Area of Rome1-Montelibretti of CNR ( and consists of a main building of about 1000 sq.m., divided into offices and laboratories, and of the Mycology Lab that consists of a building of 120 sq.m., hosting the International Bank of Edible Saprophytic Fungi and of two greenhouses, large 64 sq.m. each, equipped with a conditioning system, besides other technical offices.

The section is divided in offices for the research, technical and administrative staff (300 sq.m.) and in 26 laboratories (540 sq.m.).

The laboratories are devoted to both specific research activities (mycology, ecophysiology, tissue culture, molecular biology, plant physiology, biochemistry) and analytical activities for general research purposes (analytical chemistry labs, growth chambers, refrigerator etc.). A walk-in lab for the storage and utilization of radioactive compounds is also present. The section of Montelibretti is equipped by high performance instrumentation in bio-physic and analytical chemistry such as spectrometers (Stable Isotope Mass, mass-gascromatography GC-MS, mass  Proton Tranfer Reaction PTR-MS, X-Ray Fluorescence XRF) and photosynthesis measurement systems, such as gas exchange measurement instruments (IRGA) and chlorophyll fluorescence emission detectors (IMAGING-PAM). The section of Monterotondo is also provided with an outdoor facility for mass balance assessment in ecophysiological and phytoremediation studies with 18 mesocosms, a 11 hectares experimental field, two experimental sites in forest equipped with flux towers (Eddy-covariance) and a mobile laboratory for flux studies.