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National Research Council

Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems

IRET studies the terrestrial ecosystems structure, functioning and productivity as well as the biotic and abiotic components and their interactions also in relation to the global change and the anthropic pressure. Special attention is given to the different levels of organization, function, metabolism and evolution of the biome, so as to the ecosystem services and their implications on environmental quality and human health. The analysis of the stresses generated by the global change and land uses, pollution and urbanisation process on the biodiversity (Microbic, animal and vegetal) and on the soil structure, fertility and resilience is the basis for the study adaptation and for mitigation strategies also at a socio-economic level.

The main objectives are: study, protection, management and valorisation of the natural resources, biodiversity and territory for a sustainable use, for bio-economy and circular economy as well as for enabling technologies and nature–based solutions.


The thematic study areas are:
Ecosystem and Resources
- Terrestrial Ecosystems Structure and functioning
- Sustainable management of ecosystems, Circular economy and ecosystem services

Global change
- Global change impact on ecosystems
- Ecosystem role in the global change mitigation

Risks and technologies for environment
- Pollution impact on ecosystems and on human health
- Development and application of technologies for water and soil restoration