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National Research Council

Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems

Villa Paolina, headquarters of IRET in Porano, hosted about 30 researchers from 8 different countries from 20 to 23 September 2022, working on the Nutrient cycle in Arctic regions
The workshop was organized as part of a Norwegian networking project, funded by the Svalbard Science Forum, which also involves Italy and the CNR, in the person of Angela Augusti from IRET, as coordinator of the Terrestrial Ecosystem Flagship of Ny-Ålesund, Svalbards.

The meeting was organized to share knowledge and create connections between the disciplines that are studied in the different components of the Arctic ecosystem (atmosphere, cryosphere, terrestrial and marine biosphere).

In particular, on the last day the participants discussed how to converge their knowledge in two shared publications. One focused on the Net Ecosystem Metabolism of the Kongsfjorden, with the aim to evaluate the fjord's ability to act as a source or sink for Nutrients. The second, on the stable isotope analysis approach, used for different aspects of the nutrient cycle in order to evaluate their potential in the Arctic environment and in Ny-Ålesund, specifically.