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National Research Council

Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems

Research activities

At the IBAF Unit in Naples is active the research group on the "Landscape in the Laboratory" dealing with matters relating to environmental, landscape and territorial planning (especially parks and natural reserves). The research team consists of technical and scientific permanent and temporary staff.

The scientific coordination is by Dr. Clelia Cirillo.

  • Environmental valorization of the archaeological site of Pompei
    Acollaboration has been agreed between the  Superintendence of Archaeological Heritage and IBAF for common studies in the Laboratory of Applied Sciences of Pompei on developing analytical methodologies aimed at the reconstruction of the archaeological landscape , conservation and enhancement of biological findings of the excavations through the preparation of a virtual museum.

  • Reconstruction of historic landscapes
    This research activity using analytical methodologies, structured in two main sections: a research-oriented to literature, documentary and archival material and the other oriented to realize the three-dimensional reconstruction of the ancient landscape . The first section held on documentary sources is the basis for the creation of bibliographic databases in which to deploy information about archaeological findings integrated into the topographic location. Through the database, individual sites are themed on dynamic maps according to their nature, time, type , and size. The methodology is supported by the editing of cards in which are gathered the information from archival research. The second section concerns the reconstruction of the ancient structures, whose reconstructions are made on the basis of geo-referenced mobile and immobile findings, using GIS technologies.

  • Ecological Restoration of agro-forestry areas
    In view of the problems and pressures they are subjected protection strategies are studied in order to know, valorise and enjoy the agro-forestry assets. Genetic aspects of historical vines of Campania In order to enhance the production system of small and medium-sized wineries in the region of Campania the characters of the original grape varieties from Campania are studied by combining archaeological botanical and genetic investigations to identifying and realizing the genetic analysis of seeds found in archaeological excavations.

  • Ecological network of Campania
    To study and monitor the status of protection of the natural heritage of Campania that is  depleting due to the consumption of natural and agrarian land transformed by urbanization and by territorial infrastructures in cemented surfaces, it is analyzed the protection status of ecological corridors identified by the regional territorial plan of Campania, using a targeted strategy to develop a model of land management, based on the exploitation of local resources and on the principle of environmental sustainability.

Contact: Dr. Clelia Cirillo

Research staff involved
Giovanna Acampora
Barbara Bertoli
Marina Russo

External Collaborators
Prof. Arch Luigi Scarpa (University of Naples Federico II)
Ugo Zannini (Archeoclub Italy)
Laura Arena (CNR, Institute of Cybernetics)


  • Archeoclub of Italy
  • Aurunca Civilization
  • Second University of Naples, Faculty of Humanities , Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage
  • University of Cassino and Southern Lazio , Department of Humanities , Social and Health
  • University of Lecce , Department of Cultural Heritage