Technological transfer and innovation
Network with industries
The IRET-CNR collaborates with a wide range of private companies to implement on a large scale the technologies developed within the research institute and to constantly deal with the regulatory, economic and technical constraints connected with the on-field application of the proposed technologies. The network of companies includes seed producers, specialized nurseries, raw material processors (e.g. fibers and wood), companies involved in environmental restoration. The joint objective is to develop technologies for triggering new supply-chains based on biomass from phytotechnologies and to overcome the concept of reclamation cost by promoting productive vocations for brownfields. In this way is possible to create a system that converts waste into resources, in line with the concept of circular economy. One of the main partner involved in technology transfer is CISA S.p.A., a company that for over ten years is working in an innovative manner on environmental sector, pursuing as its core business the production of energy from biomass and environmental remediation. Jointly with this company, the Research Group on phytoremediation from Montelibretti is building a collaborative path aimed at encouraging the application of phytotechnologies on the National Territory, favoring the creation of pilot plants and stimulating the development of supply chains supported by the reclamation-biomass nexus.
Taranto pilot plant
The beginning of a constructive cooperation between Research Centre and private companies. Click here for datail